
Hi! My name is Alexa, I used to be a beauty blogger when I was in high school, I would write about product reviews, makeup of the day and many more. 3 years into blogging, I had to stop because I got into medical school and I didn’t have the time to blog anymore. But now, 4 years after that blog got deleted, I still have that passion in me, I still want to write about beauty stuff. So here I am, writing this post during office hours.

I named this blog Gin and Glow because gin and tonic is my favorite drink (Tanqueray 10 + orange peel, please!) and I’m just crazy about glowing skin. This blog is about beauty and lifestyle, because why write just about beauty when there’s a lot of things to write about.

I know it’s 2019 and people these days prefer watching YouTube videos or scroll through Instagram, but after reading this article by Victoria (In The Frow) I feel like blogging isn’t dead, as she said, there’s always room for new bloggers. Blogs aren’t as hyped up as it used to be a decade ago but I agree with her when she said writing a content on the blog feels like coming home – because I used to be a blogger and I would love to have the chance to blog again, it was and it still is my hobby.


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