Review: Rosé All Day Aloe-HA | Gin and Glow

I'm pretty sure all of you have heard about aloe vera gels. They're really popular, especially the ones that come in the large green plastic jar. I do think that aloe vera gels are fantastic, they're very versatile, you can use them for your hair, skin and nails.

But have you met Aloe-HA? The cute and innovative aloe vera gel from Rosé All Day? This product will not only steal your heart, but it might make you ditch those green tubs for these pink tubes.

rose all day aloe ha review aloe vera gel

Rosé All Day released this product during JakartaXBeauty Festival and honestly, I'm in love with it. It's an aloe vera gel, but it's different from most aloe vera gels you find in the market. Interested for more information? Keep reading!
This was released back at the end of July or early August, I might be a little to late to be reviewing this, but you should really know why this product is so great (I'm addicted - in a good way).

Aloe-HA comes in a tube packaging instead of jars - which means that it's more hygienic since you don't have to dip your fingers (hello, contamination), also you can control the amount of product you want to squeeze out. The tube is clear so you can see how much you have left.

Formulated with aloe vera, hyaluronic acid and cucumber + algae extract, not only that Aloe-HA is soothing and refreshing, but it's also hydrating and smoothing. One more surprise, it's formulated WITHOUT alcohol, so it's safe to use on the face.

rose all day review aloe ha aloeha

It's not just that, the tube comes with a detachable applicator that can be taken out and cleaned. You can also take out the applicator, leave it in the fridge and put it back on when you want to use Aloe-HA, this will give you an extra cooling sensation.

But the thing is, most aloe vera gels are formulated with high alcohol content (alcohol enhances the texture of a product, giving the product a pleasant, lightweight, easily-absorbed properties), but the bad side is, alcohol could be drying to the skin, it could damage the skin barrier and start a chain reaction of irritations, acne and whatsoever.

Just like any other aloe-vera gel you can find, Aloe-HA is a clear gel that's easily absorbed by the skin without any greasy feeling or any form of residue. 

rose all day aloe vera gel

I have used Aloe-HA on my body as a body moisturizer and on my face as a mask whenever I feel like my face is sensitized. Although Aloe-HA is a simple product, I still think that aloe-vera gel without alcohol is great and the packaging idea is fantastic.

Are you interested in Aloe-HA? Let me know below!


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